Sunday 13 June 2010

Since the last blog, I saw a rhino! which comes to munch the grass near to where I am working in my office. it crosses the small river in the evening and comes a munchin'. I got some good photo's of it with my nice camera so you'll have to wait to see those. Also we had our first rains last night. we've been having some pretty amazing electrical storms but no rain until it poured and poured v early this morning, so I think its fair to say the monsoon is here.

Those of you who know of my love of football will be delighted to hear that 'my' bar, overlooking the river has now got a tv and everybody crams into this v v rickety building on bamboo stilts and watches the wold cup in the evening, me included! Everybody in nepal is an Argentina fan wierdly enough though I don't suppose the nepalese team made it to the world cup (harsh.)

As for the work, we finished surveying the first of 4 veterinary clinic catchment areas today, so only 3 to go. woo hooo. The next 3 are a bit further away so I think i'm going into rural nepal to stay for a couple of days as its a 3 hour drive to get to the furthest area. I think we're planning tues and wed nights out, then i'll be back to chitwan. (i think it'll be quite basic as the area does not have power!) the rest should be reachable from chitwan with a daily commute through the nepal countryside!

internet is super slow here today, so i only upload one pic. but this is a little friend that we came across on our journey around the countryside!! (he's tame sadly)


  1. Glad to see that you've got a helmet! Lucky you having nice hot monsoon climate, we are having cold rain in Sweden. Re football, I understand that your English goalie did a really good job against the US yesterday....
    puss och kram,

  2. Oh Huge - you look real cool. SOoooo glad the rains have come and youve got your beloved footie to watch!
    Sounds very scary with snakes, rhino and rogue ele's all over the place.
    Missing you lots here. Been at school all day. Everyone sends love. Dee rang tonight. Archie coming to North India with girlfriend but not as far as Nepal. Ian & Susie Kennedy in London sending love. Noddy sending love. Keep on blogging - such fun to read. Much love, Mums + D. XXXXX

  3. Thinking of you muchly today - Wednesday - as you are out and away from internet I suspect.
    Hope the transport working for you both safely!
    Looking forward to hearing all the news from the 'outback'.
    huge London hugs.MumsXXXX

  4. Huge. enjoying the block. can we please have some specie identification in the next one? sunny here in london, just playing clarinet today and doing some businessy kind of stuff.
    keep 'em coming.... i know that's your speciality! x

  5. Hugo - we really love the fact that you are still wearing your weekday socks and that you are wearing a helmet, even though it is 40 degrees and you are travelling at 10mph!!
    We have just had Jules to supper, so you are now even on meals. We are planning a flight and holiday to Scotland so we need you to come home soon. The chickens are doing well here. Gertrude and Hazel might have red mites (another reason to come home). What mammals have wattles like chickens? Our question for the week!
    Lots of love and say hi to the Rhinos from me, C x x x
